

Game Last action Time left Current player Last seen Turn
Death match, 8pl ffa, see chat, v16 28/03/2024 00:00
29/03/2024 >
14/01/2024 >
Isle of man 22/11/2023
11:53 (20 h ago) 101
The dust v16 22/10/2023
18/01/2024 101
Pangea Ultima - V17 - FFA 22/03/2023
18:40 (14 h ago) 118
Divided lands 20/12/2022
18/01/2024 122
Chain Reaction 31/03/2022
11:53 (20 h ago) 111
VDaemon /Malakia vs EddyG/Piep (see chat for details) 08/02/2022
14/01/2024 84
Svalbard 26/01/2022
11:53 (20 h ago) 94
Warm autumn welcome 22/11/2021
29/03/2024 101
Do not stumble 18/11/2021
17:18 (15 h ago) 24
1v1 slobjok 08/11/2020
18:40 (14 h ago) 59